Space Shooters

Space Shooters is an arcade game that I amd millions of others used to play at the local hangouts.

Using the Unity Game Engine and their Space Shooter Tutorial on how to build the game, I built this stand alone game.

Download Space Shooters

Requirements: Designed to run on a pc not a mobile device

Save the file, extract it and run the executable file (you don't need to install it, just run it).

To play Space Shooters using the following keyboard keys.

Fire: Ctrl or left mouse, Up: up arrow, Down: down arrow, Left: left arrow, Right: right arrow

Objective: Blow up as many asteroids (10 points each) and enemy ships (20 points each) as possible without being killed yourself.

When you get killed, wait until all asteroids and enemy's have left the field and then hit the "r" key to start over.

Good Luck

space shooter screenshot